Journey from Within: Lessons from Leaders on Finding your Philosophical Core, The
The Journey from Within is a collection of powerful essays written by international leaders and edited by Honolulu-based management consultant Glenn K. Miyataki. For the past thirty years of his forty-year career, Miyataki has specialized in cross-cultural management, traveling worldwide to advise governments and businesses on executive leadership, organizational development and strategic planning. Over the decades, he came to realize that the individuals he met who enjoyed the highest levels of success in business and life all had an “extra something” — in particular, a sharp focus on human potential and enrichment. In fields ranging from government to technology to the arts, Miyataki saw a trend toward less emphasis on function and systems and more cultivation of creativity, entrepreneurship and individual capacity.
On a trip to India in 2007, he was introduced to manthan, a Hindu word with Sanskrit roots meaning, “to churn.” The concept of manthan, as taught to Miyataki by the leadership training guru Debashis Chatterjee, is a process by which one learns more about the self through experience and — through self-awareness and self-realization — works for and contributes to the betterment of others. This inner journey — examining one’s philosophical core and clarifying the essence of purposeful behavior — was the theme that Miyataki asked a dozen international leaders to explore in The Journey from Within. Together, their essays offer a wealth of raw material for introspection and reinvention of the self.
Glenn K. Miyataki
Softcover, 162 pp.