Hawaiian Journal of History, The - Volume 56, 2022
The Hawaiian Journal of History is the Hawaiian Historical Society’s annual publication, a scholarly journal devoted to original articles and research on the history of Hawai‘i and the Pacific. Each volume features a varied collection of historical topics and time periods in peer-reviewed articles and a Notes & Queries section. A selection of book reviews and a bibliography of the previous year’s published works regarding Hawai‘i’s history are provided by experts and editors dedicated to recording and synthesizing scholarly research.
- A Bibliography of Published Works by David W. Forbes,
Blaine Namahana Tolentino - The Location and Astronomical Orientation of the Kupalaha Heiau at Diamond Head,
J. Patrick Henry - In Search of Puka‘ōma‘oma‘o, Ka‘ahumanu’s Retreat in Mānoa Valley,
Patrick V. Kirch, Jillian A. Swift, and Mark Oxley - The History of a Hospital Name Tripler: Part 1, 1898–1941,
Mark Burnett - ‘Uko‘a Loko Ea Fishpond: Digital Mapping and Spatial Analysis of O‘ahu and American Infrastructure Projects Since 1898
Sean Connelly - A History of Ranching Operations in the Saddle Region of Hawai‘i Island
Charles M. Langlas
Book Reviews
- The Mo‘olelo Hawai‘i of Davida Malo Volume 1: Ka ‘Ōlelo Kumu. Davida Malo, edited by Jeffrey Lyon
- The Mo‘olelo Hawai‘i of Davida Malo Volume 2: Hawaiian Text and Translation. Davida Malo, edited by Charles Langlas and Jeffrey Lyon, Reviewed by David Aiona Chang
- Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II. Daniel James Brown, Reviewed by Leilani Dawson
- California & Hawai‘i Bound: U.S. Settler Colonialism and the Pacific West, 1848-1959. Henry Knight lozano, Reviewed by Nicholas B. Miller
- Inclusion: How Hawai‘i Protected Japanese Americans from Mass Internment, Transformed Itself, and Changed America. Tom Coffman, Reviewed by Leanne Day